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Our warehouse management system software makes life easier for everyone- from fork lift drivers to CFOs.



Interlogic came to use as they were working with NZTE to improve their market presence and develop a strategy into the US market. 

The existing website was years old and lacked important information about WMS management software. It did not position the business as credible or highlight the quality of the product and the businesses they worked with. 


Interlogic came to us with a brand strategy and updated brand colours and guidelines. Our job was to bring these to life in a way that spoke to their customers, while communicating the core strengths of the warehouse management software.

Some design elements were aligned to an existing direction and we added bold imagery with real people to show the product in-situ. 

They also wanted to tell a story about the business and cover off their why, which we accomplished on the home page. 

To build credibility and trust we added case studies and downloadable pdfs, which are frequently requested. 

The site was built on an old tech stack that made it hard to make content updates. We rebuilt the site in Wordpress to deliver a site that was modern and easy to make changes to. 



Interlogic have had amazing feedback from their customers and the site has been generating more enquiries for the right type of businesses than even before.

A content foundation has been laid down for the business to build on as they push into new markets and continue to support local markets with their software. 

interlogic intro video
interlogic icons

Designing a website has changed somewhat, with far more components and considerations than in the past. The team at Splash were fantastic to work with. They took the time to understand our brief and delivered the project on time and within budget. Based on the initial experience, we’ve retained their team to help us with our digital marketing strategy going forward.


interlogic mobile screens
interlogic case studies

Let’s jump into something great